Learn How To Stop Overeating And Reach Your Natural Body Weight

Submitted by: Ofira Shaul

There is a huge difference in losing weight and returning to your natural weight. Losing weight is done when you strive to lose a specified amount of weight. When you lose weight naturally, on the other hand, you are allowing your body to dictate how much you should weigh. When you weight the amount your body feels is natural, it allows it to function at an optimal level. When you attempt to lose too much weight, you are are denying your body of what it needs. An unhealthy relationship with food may cause you to strive to lose weight rather than focusing on being your natural self. By learning how to stop overeating, you can become aware of your natural body weight. Here are a few easy ways to get started.

1. Identify Myths

Throughout the years of dieting and overeating, you have developed a set of myths that have hindered you from achieving your weight loss goals. These myths may include statements like I just like to eat , I can’t lose weight or other similar negative self-statements. Begin to identify these myths and challenge them. Develop and implement new positive ways of thinking. Some examples of positive self-talk include I can lose weight and I will reach my goal weight.


2. Identify Triggers to Overeating

This step will either be very easy or very hard for you. There are some people that can pinpoint the stress in their lives that causes them to overeat. This is because their stress is external. It could be a boyfriend or girlfriend that is treating them poorly or a stressful situation at work. For others, the stress is buried in past hurts that have not been resolved. By identifying these triggers you can begin to heal and process these stresses.

3. Develop Coping Skills

As you begin to identify triggers, you may see specific events that occur prior to overeating. If you have become aware that after a meeting with your boss you tend to have an episode of overeating, use a coping skill. Find an activity that evokes the same emotions as overeating. It may be reading a book, listening to music or spending time with friends. Have this lined up for after your meeting. By reducing the times we overeat, we can continue to develop and nurture a healthy relationship with food.

4. Listen to Your Body

This is one of the biggest steps in stopping the behavior of overeating and heading towards your natural weight. This step involves you developing a relationship with your body. You become aware of its needs. You eat and don’t eat according to its needs. You eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. You feed your body the foods that it craves and needs to function properly. You are not restricted from certain foods. You will always feel satisfied when you are eating what your body needs.

The road to recovery and living at a natural body weight is not an overnight process. It takes time and patience. I believe in you and your abilities. I once thought I would never lose weight. Once I began to think about dieting in a different way, it happened. You can reach your natural body weight as well by learning how to stop overeating.

About the Author: The above article is based on the book, “Winning Overeating” by Ofira Shaul. This experiential, self-development leader has devoted her life to finding the best natural way to obtain permanent weight loss while improving the total quality of your life.




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